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  • What are the 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 minimum and maximum payroll figures for sole proprietors, partners and officers electing coverage?


    • 2021--$59,488 minimum and $237,952 maximum
    • 2022--$64,064 minimum and $256,256 maximum
    • 2023--$66,924 minimum and $267,696 maximum
    • 2024--$69,524 minimum and $278,096 maximum
    • 2025--$71,344 minimum and $285,376 maximum

  • What are the 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 minimum payroll figures for the spouse, parent or child of a sole proprietor, partner, or officer electing coverage? (Payroll of these family members is not subject to a maximum amount.)


    • 2021-$343 per week or $17,836 minimum
    • 2022-$370 per week or $19,240 minimum
    • 2023-$386 per week or $20,072 minimum
    • 2024-$401 per week or $20,852 minimum
    • 2025-$412 per week or $21,424 minimum

  • What are the 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 statewide average weekly wages effective October 1, of each year? (for a calculation please contact the MN Dept of Labor and Industry)


    • 10/1/21-10/1/22 = $1,232
    • 10/1/22-10/1/23 = $1,287
    • 10/1/23-10/1/24 = $1,337
    • 10/1/24-10/1/25 = $1,372

  • What are the State Per Claim Accident Limitation amounts for Multiple Claims: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, and 2025 experience modifications?


    1. 2021--$445,000

    2. 2022--$461,000

    3. 2023--$485,000

    4. 2024--$245,000

    5. 2025--$239,000

  • How does an agent update their agency information in OAR?


    Click on the initials on the upper right of the blue bar on the Home Page. Click on “Profile”. Make your changes and select the Update Profile button.

  • What are the State Per Claim Accident Limitation amounts for a Single Claim: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, and 2025 experience modifications?


    • 2021--$222,500
    • 2022--$230,500
    • 2023--$242,500
    • 2024--$122,500
    • 2025--$119,500

  • How do I get on the email distribution list for circulars and newsletters?


    Please send an email request to subscribe@mwcia.org with your name, email address, company name, address, phone number, and whether your company is a carrier, agent, or other (please identify what). When a circular or newsletter is published, you will receive an email notification with a link to the new publication.

  • What is the fax number of MWCIA?


    (952) 897-6495

  • If I own and operate a small business (2 employees) in MN, do I need to cover myself (the owner) to be in compliance with the law?


    Refer to MN statue 176.041, Excluded Employments; Application, Exceptions, Election of Coverage, Subd 1.For further clarification or interpretation, please contact the MN Department of Labor and Industry (651) 284-5032 or (800) 342-5354.

  • How do I obtain a Certificate of Insurance?


    A Certificate of Insurance can be obtained from the insurance company/carrier, upon request.

  • What is the nine point test for an independent contractor?


    Under the law, independent contractor status will be conferred if the individual meets all nine of the following conditions. If any one of the conditions is not met, the individual will be an employee for purposes of workers' compensation requirements. The individual is considered an independent contractor if the individual:

    1. maintains a separate business with the independent contractor's own office, equipment, materials and other facilities
    2. holds or has applied for a federal employer identification number, or has filed business or self-employment income tax returns with the IRS based on that work in the previous year;
    3. operates under contracts to perform specific services or work for specific amounts of money and under which the independent contractor controls the means of performing the services or work;
    4. incurs the main expenses related to the service or work that the independent contractor performs under contract;
    5. is responsible for the satisfactory completion of work or services that the independent contractor contracts to perform and is liable for a failure to complete the work or service;
    6. receives compensation for work or service performed under a contract on a commission or per job or competitive bid basis and not on any other basis;
    7. may realize a profit or suffer a loss under contracts to perform work or service;
    8. has continuing or recurring business liabilities or obligations; and
    9. the success or failure of the independent contractor's business depends on the relationship of business receipts to expenditures.

    Contact the Department of Labor and Industry at (651) 284-5032 or 1-800-342-5354 for more information. https://www.dli.mn.gov/business/independent-contractor/contractor-registration-nine-factor-test

  • How do I obtain Loss Runs?


    Loss Runs can be obtained from the insurance company, upon request.

  • How do I obtain a Federal Employer ID (FEIN) #?


    Federal Employer ID (FEIN) #'s may be obtained by contacting the IRS at 800-829-3676 or by visiting the Internal Revenue website: www.irs.gov

  • Who do I speak with about changing an employer address?


    Any change of address should be reported to your insurance agent and company. The insurance company will, in turn, notify MWCIA.

  • What is the difference between a "Combo ID" and "Coverage ID"?


    Click here for information.

  • Where can I find an overview of the current state of Minnesota's workers compensation market?


    Charts that summarize the state of Minnesota's workers compensation market are located here.

  • What browsers are recommended when visiting the MWCIA website?


    We recommend:

    • Internet Explorer 11 or higher
    • Firefox 4.0 or higher
    • Safari (any reasonably recent release)
    • Chrome (any reasonably recent release)

  • Where can I obtain information on Construction Contractor Registration?


    Click here to be redirected to the MN Department of Labor and Industry