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(952) 897-6495
Refer to MN statue 176.041, Excluded Employments; Application, Exceptions, Election of Coverage, Subd 1.For further clarification or interpretation, please contact the MN Department of Labor and Industry (651) 284-5032 or (800) 342-5354.
A Certificate of Insurance can be obtained from the insurance company/carrier, upon request.
Under the law, independent contractor status will be conferred if the individual meets all nine of the following conditions. If any one of the conditions is not met, the individual will be an employee for purposes of workers' compensation requirements. The individual is considered an independent contractor if the individual:
Contact the Department of Labor and Industry at (651) 284-5032 or 1-800-342-5354 for more information.
Loss Runs can be obtained from the insurance company, upon request.
Federal Employer ID (FEIN) #'s may be obtained by contacting the IRS at 800-829-3676 or by visiting the Internal Revenue website:
Any change of address should be reported to your insurance agent and company. The insurance company will, in turn, notify MWCIA.
Charts that summarize the state of Minnesota's workers compensation market are located here.
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