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AR Application

Notice from the Plan Administrator regarding COVID-19

The Minnesota Workers' Compensation Assigned Risk Plan (MWCARP) is the source of workers' compensation and employers' liability coverage for Minnesota employers who have been unable to secure other coverage through the voluntary market. The MWCARP was created by the State Legislature to ensure that all Minnesota employers are able to obtain workers' compensation coverage as required by law.

We recommend that the application be completed and submitted online. Some of the advantages of electronic submission include electronic payment by electronic check or credit card, application validation and premium calculation, a registration process that allows pre-filling of data wherever possible, email confirmation at each stage of the application process and the electronic payment occurs only after the application has been assigned and the exact amount owed has been determined.

Effective Oct 1, 2024, MWCARP will no longer allow applications to be submitted without a valid written notice of refusal attached to the application.

Agent Checks

Payment submitted with an application should be made by the insured to the Assigned Risk Plan.  If payment is made by an agent, the agent understands that it will be solely responsible for reimbursement from the insured, and will have no right to cancel the policy for nonpayment by the insured, unless cancellation is agreed to by the insured.   All premium refunds are issued to the insured

Certificates of Insurance

Insurance agencies are not authorized to issue a Certificate of Insurance on behalf of the MWCARP in Minnesota.  This activity is not in compliance with the operation of the MWCARPOn page 4 of the Application for Workers’ Compensation Insurance, number 7, under Application Rules and Procedures states:  “Agents are not agents of the Assigned Risk Plan and cannot issue certificates of insurance or bind coverage”.  Your agency should request any Certificate that is needed for policies written through the MWCARP from the servicing carrier to whom the coverage has been assigned.  These Certificates must be issued by the servicing carrier. 

All questions and requests regarding Assigned Risk applications should be directed to the Assigned Risk Department of MWCIA by calling (952) 897-1737 (Option 2) or by emailing assignedrisk@mwcia.org.