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Company Profile


The mission of the Minnesota Workers' Compensation Insurers Association (MWCIA) is to collect, process and analyze workers' compensation data so that we can provide high quality, consistent information to our insurer members and regulators.

MWCIA is the licensed and preferred Minnesota Data Service Organization (DSO) providing trusted and credible workers' compensation data collection, analysis, services and products. Our products and unique knowledge of the Minnesota workers’ compensation arena allows us to provide information for clients' products, pricing, rates and public policy. We are committed to developing and maintaining proactive partnerships in state, regional, and national standards, workers’ compensation structures and systems.


The Minnesota Workers' Compensation Insurers Association is a non-profit corporation licensed by the State of Minnesota Department of Commerce as a DSO.  Minnesota law requires that workers’ compensation insurers doing business in the state belong to a DSO.  MWCIA collects policy, claims and financial data from our member insurers licensed to sell workers' compensation insurance in Minnesota.

This information is compiled and analyzed and then used to develop MWCIA's Annual Ratemaking Report, calculate employer experience modifications, and inform public policymaking.  MWCIA also provides underwriting and policy assignment services on behalf of the Minnesota Assigned Risk Plan.

The MWCIA also collects proof of coverage information on behalf of Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry and provides an important regulatory service while maintaining the lowest costs and reducing the cost burden for the State, our members and policyholders.


MWCIA's policies are guided by a Board of Directors comprised of ten elected member-company representatives and two public members appointed by the Commerce Department Commissioner. Our Board is committed to strong governance practices and has created six committees to address multiple issues in a timely manner.  The Association's administration and three department management team is directed by its president, Jennifer Wolf.


As a non-profit Member Association, the largest portion of our funding is contributed by carriers through membership assessments apportioned by the amount of workers’ compensation business each underwrites throughout Minnesota. 


The MWCIA is one of ten independent data collection organizations of its type, each serving one of ten states in the nation. The majority of the remaining states are served by the NCCI (National Council on Compensation Insurance).

In cooperation with other independent state organizations, the MWCIA has been a leader in the development of data collection and reporting software and in the enhancement of procedures and policies to more efficiently and effectively collect and report workers' compensation data.