In accordance with the Minnesota Aggregate Financial Data Reporting Guidebook, carriers with Minnesota workers' compensation experience are required to file with the MWCIA the Annual Calls for Experience valued as of December 31st each year. Currently there are seven financial aggregate Calls that are required. These Calls are used directly for ratemaking in determining annual overall pure premium level adjustments. The Policy Year and Calendar-Accident Year Calls are the major ratemaking Calls. They provide historical information on earned premium and aggregate claim data enabling MWCIA to analyze loss ratios and emerging claim patterns. By collecting historical data on Calls valued as of year-end, MWCIA is able to compare the current Call with Calls from past years in order to calculate loss development factors and trend factors necessary in determining an overall pure premium rate level change.
Call data is reported electronically via ACCEDE. Several tools are available that make this a very attractive alternative to the hard copy reporting. Possibly the most attractive feature of this program is the edit package which ensures that data will pass all MWCIA General and Basic edits currently performed on the Calls. All seven of the Calls required by Minnesota may be submitted through ACCEDE.
2023 Annual Call Package
Access to ACCEDE is provided through MWCIA Web Membership. Please contact your MWCIA Web Membership Group Administrator within your office to obtain access to ACCEDE. If you need assistance in determining who your Group Admin is, please contact our office.
All questions and requests for additional information on these Calls should be directed to the Actuarial Services Department of MWCIA by calling (952) 897-1737 (Option 3) or by emailing