Analytic Report Resource on the Web – ARROW

Summarized class experience queries provide access to class experience at various reporting levels for up to the latest 10 policy years. The data can be grouped by class/industry group, premium range and geographical region (within the state of Minnesota).

Custom historical triangle queries provide access to the latest 10 policy years of class data broken down by injury type and claim status (open, closed, or combined). The data can be further grouped by industry group, premium range and region within the state of Minnesota.

Average Experience Modification queries provide access to experience modification data for the three most recent completed experience rating years. The data can be further grouped by governing code or industry group, expected loss ranges, and region within the state of Minnesota

Query results are available in two format: PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format) and CSV (Comma Separated Value) format. Both formats can be viewed online, or downloaded. PDF file requires Adobe Acrobat reader to view reports. CSV file may be loaded into Excel or other products.

Selected Parameters

Include Statewide Comparison: Yes
Rating Year:
Class Code: 
Industry Group: 
Policy Year/Report:
Injury Type:
Claim Status:
Unit Type:
Injury Part:
Injury Nature:
Injury Cause:
Zip Codes:
Premium Ranges:
Loss Ranges: